Did you know that.. climber is a mannequin?? wow emejing... climbers eyes are drawn, its property and physics are different from the eyes we have, he can see through the dark for some reason while we cant we dont know how anyway.. :P did you know that Karl is made out of resin? awesome....... if karl was a human, he would grow a beard right? if he were to shave, with absolutely no experience or any experience where he see someone shaving, he would shave his face off, Literally. in annies winner enttry, ive heard that she revived everyone, but unfortunately.. any resident from CoN can NOT be turned human, its impossibe. if he was forced to come back human, he would only last.. about a couple of days to only a few hours!!! geeewiz .... in the beginning of red vs climber, did big bad wolf posess him or was that the remaining energy from the fight after climber finished big bad wolf? ........ did you know that climber originally worked in a food court .. he was originally a robot (?) aftter his mechanical parts exploded! J stopped working he was put inside a wooden cart , but he was animate and live now......... he stayed int he wooden cart until he was found by clarice Tje rot consumes

side bar here..


my interests ! (ones marked in bold are current favorites!)

  • Castle of nations
  • Endzone
  • Law Of Talos
  • Total Drama Island (?)
  • Phighting
  • Project sekai (I PLAY IN JP VERSION)

blinkies !!

other.. etc ...

she/her, he/him or just anyall

welcome !!

i forgot how 2 introduce myself but hi ok awesome

so like. etc. information is on the sidebar ya
this is just the main page because why not......

dni list

normal dni, things like....
proshippers, illegal stuff idk yeah and... like fe'ish stuff like changed...
stuff like that..

friends !!

awesome person .... kills**



links, media etc !!
rentry! twitter ! roblox !!

yep thats pretty much it :P

click the button under this text 2 play music !!

last updated = 9:01pm, 10/4/2023

heres some gifs that i originally wanted to put in this site but i felt like the flashback looked better, hover them to show them !